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Europa Universalis 4 Colonist

카테고리 없음

by rafilearmi1980 2020. 1. 24. 10:47


Europa Universalis 4 Colonist
  1. Europa Universalis 4 Colonists

As the Netherlands, I'm on a quest for world domination. My current enemies are Great Britain, Spain and Portugal, and I would love to take over their colonies. In my last war against GB, I annexed all of British Columbia, thinking it would immediately trigger into forming Dutch Columbia.

But it didn't. Instead I was left hanging with 175% overextension. (Although I didn't get any rebels or events. Also, I don't think I should get overextension for overseas provinces. Anyone know what's going on here?) However, once one of my nearby colonies became self-sustaining, this triggered the entire area into forming Dutch Columbia.So if I want to take over enemy colonial nations, I should just annex them, ignore the overextension, and then settle nearby.

Europa Universalis 4 Colonists


Once the colony finishes, the entire region will form a new colonial nation. However, many of the colonial nations I want to conquer don't have free land nearby (or in some cases, I'm unsure as to whether the nearby land falls under the same colonial region). How do I get these colonies to trigger? I also asked this question on the, where Heliocon and londoner247 were kind enough to answer.In the words of londoner247:Once you have five cored provinces in a Colonial Region then all theprovinces you control in that region will switch to your new ColonialNation and they will get cores on all of them. So, in your situation,if you can handle the overextension and there are five spare provincesin the Colonial Region (assuming you have no colonies there already)then your best bet is to build five colonies and let it all switch atthat stage.If you conquer territory in a Colonial Region where you already have aColonial Nation then each province you take will immediately switchbut without a core so your Colonial Nation may get overextensionissues and you may need to keep an eye on it to help with the rebelstomping.

Up-to-date, detailed help for the Europa Universalis IV (EU4) command addcolonist. This page includes help on how to use the command, argument. Europa Universalis IV Game Guide. Table of Contents. The mechanics Colonization EU IV Guide. That is basically it. Unlike in the case of the previous Europa games, the colonist will always succeed and he will always establish a colony. Then, the colonist may remain in the colony, just like in the screenshot, to speed up the development. It is nearly impossible. I had this game with Spain I was overlord of:. All the Colonies in the world. PU over Portugal and Norway. England, Morocco and Saxe-Launberg as Vassals. Had conquered most of Western Europe. And was universally hate.

Europa Universalis 4 Colonist